11/13/2003: Article #2: Athenaverse.com: Sealand of the Internet?
So why would I compare our newborn website with a soverign nation? I say this because Sealand is the result of Roy's dream. He created a place for himself and his family out of a preexisting entity, a haven of freedom in the middle of the ocean. Where everyone else saw an abandoned World War II amphibious base, Roy of Sealand saw a country.
Sealand is an inspiration for what I am trying to do here. As an Internet service provider (of sorts), I am able to provide email accounts for awiggins, prof_booty, and myself. No spam, just a unique domain name where we can create content and say whatever we need, want, or have to say.
My question to others out there is why don't you do the same? Athenaverse.com is, in our own way, about trying to change the way we look at the Internet. We are lucky to be alive now, and old enough to have witnessed the early days of the Internet. Right now, it's the Wild West, the silent movie era. All you have to do is put up the money and register your name and it's all yours. No rules, regulations, or taxes.
But how long do you think this free- for- all will last? Governments will want their cut, and they certainly do not want us to remain anonymous. China does not allow their people to access some web sites; how long before the erosion of our Constitutional rights spread to the Internet?
We need to think preemptively not about terrorists, but about our rights, and be prepared to defend them, like our Minutemen ancestors. Do you think free public services like Hotmail, Live Journal, and Instant Messenger are protecting your privacy? Perhaps you should think of starting your own websites, and provide you, your friends, and your family with secure access to the Internet. Is it even possible to have security here?
Watch us and see if we can make a little Sealand of our own.