The Relatively New Hotness
Here at the athenaeum, we strive to bring to the most relatively timely information. It has recently come to my attention that mouse gestures are the new hotness. I'm using the Mozilla version, but I'm told it started in Opera. Learning the gestures is something akin to learning the new moves for Soul Calibur 2, but I seem to have those under control.
4 Annotations Submitted
Friday the 21st of November, awiggins noted:
You got those moves under control? Bullshit, Sally! I whip your ass seven ways till sunday every time we play. I can't even get off all my moves on those goddamn Xbox controls.
Friday the 21st of November, prof_booty noted:
bring it
Friday the 21st of November, awiggins noted:
Anytime, Sally!
Friday the 21st of November, prof_booty noted:
all right, right after I finish putting water in your mom's bowl