Fraud & Conspiracy
This Congress Is The Most Gutless Ever
from Wired by way of Slashdot
"Congress approved a bill on Friday that expands the reach of the Patriot Act, reduces oversight of the FBI and intelligence agencies and, according to critics, shifts the balance of power away from the legislature and the courts.
A provision of an intelligence spending bill will expand the power of the FBI to subpoena business documents and transactions from a broader range of businesses -- everything from libraries to travel agencies to eBay -- without first seeking approval from a judge."
Genius. This week we see the Enron energy bill, the Prescrpition Drug Benefit, and now this. The Democrats have completely bent over.
2 Annotations Submitted
Monday the 24th of November, awiggins noted:
selling the country down the river
Tuesday the 25th of November, rafuzo noted:
Whatever, the Patriot Act was the Democrat's (actually, Clinton's) idea in the first place. Believe it or not it was the Republicans who stopped it (the first time around, anyway). Even Gore got in on the act.