spacemen need their sunscreen
...because the sun will fuck you up.
Buried beneath underreported stories about Halliburton's contract to sell blonde barbie dolls to Iraqi children and how Mossad was responsible for genital herpes was a story about NASA's Solar and Heliospheric Observatory recording an X-28 class solar flare, later found to be the largest solar flare ever recorded. The flare, which delivered a glancing blow to earth's magnetosphere, completely saturated the X-ray sensors on a geosynchronous weather satellite and initially delayed an accurate estimation of its power. (To give you an idea of how freaking huge this is, in 1989 an X-13 class flare directed at earth overloaded a power grid in Quebec.) Above is a short animation of the SOHO satellite's extreme ultraviolet imaging telescope as it recorded the flare. Numerous multicolored images of coronograph CME captures can be found here.
3 Annotations Submitted
Tuesday the 25th of November, awiggins noted:
I found a bunch of this shit a while back. The EIT images on the Latest SOHO images page, are beautiful. I have been updating my desktop with the latest "EIT 195" image for about six months. If you find this interesting, then search Google for solar sounds.
Tuesday the 25th of November, rafuzo noted:
I'm a regular visitor to spaceweather.com, which keeps up on all this shite. But yeah, the false blue EIT image is the bomb.
Tuesday the 25th of November, prof_booty noted:
i sampled some cosmic sounds on some tracks. they have to slow them down, just like they add false color to images. signal processing is something we should explore here.