Criminally Absurd
Get out your Checkbook, We owe North Korea 43 Trillion Dollars
from Korean News (DPRK)
The total amount of human and material damage the U.S. imperialists have inflicted upon the south Korean people for nearly 60 years since their occupation of south Korea runs into 43,139,020,630,000 U.S. dollars. Keep in mind that this is North Korea talking about its "estranged" countrymen.
You know, I was just going to write about this one article, but after a review of some of the other articles on the page I just can't help myself. This is a comedy goldmine. Does anyone really believe this blatant, overblown propaganda?
Here is another great quote from everyone's favorite stand-up comedians, North Korea:
The Democratic People's Republic of Korea is an invincible powerful nation with a great national power enough to firmly defend its just idea, system and cause, stresses Rodong Sinmun today in a signed article. The DPRK is an indestructible political power in which the whole party, the entire army and all the people get united in one mind and an ever-victorious military power... Sounds a lot like our buddy, Mohammed Saeed al-Sahaf, may have hired on with North Korea.
I love these guys. They are a barrel of laughs. Mentally unstable, and potentially armed with nuclear weapons, but a barrel of laughs none the less.
2 Annotations Submitted
Tuesday the 2nd of December, crazywriterinla noted:
One A-bomb and we would own them.
That's my thinking.
Tuesday the 2nd of December, rafuzo noted:
The DPRK is an indestructible political power in which the whole party, the entire army and all the people get united in one mind and an ever-victorious military power
The proto-Borgtm is born.