Criminally Absurd
Desperate to be categorized? Desperate to not be categorized, but secretly fear that you have been? Completely baffled by young people who all dress differently yet seem so shocking similar? Then you need the Field Guide to the Urban Hipster. This manual for peoplewatching deftly, accurately and hysterically organizes the hipster kingdom into their various families, genera and species, from Urban Mom (Fecundia Adorablum) to Mods (anglophilia dandyum) to AlternaBoys (nervanum slackerius) to Bike Messengers(condescendum quicksilverus), even Video Hos (babygotbacka knockbootsum). And of course covering the old standards, Goths, Rudies, Punks, Skins, EuroTrash and Ravers. So comprehensive you might be shocked to learn that yes, you too, Mr. I've-got-my-own-shit, in fact have the canonical thousand clones in china.
3 Annotations Submitted
Tuesday the 2nd of December, santo26 noted:
I took the quiz and was initially labelled a skinhead (were my answers too working class?), but then after 5-10 more questions, I was "failed to be categorized." The one category that wasn't noted was Your Mom (bigbooticus khan).
Tuesday the 2nd of December, crazywriterinla noted:
that quiz is shittier that my toilet after thanksgiving day.
I went from being a dunhill smoking snob to a metal head in the span of two questions.
Wednesday the 3rd of December, rafuzo noted:
what were you expecting from an internet quiz? Try the book.