12/04/2003: Fraud & Conspiracy
From the other-side-of-the-coin dept.: The check's in the mail
I knew filling out a random online form in college would pay off: Major record labels and retailers agree to a $143 million settlement of an antitrust suit that charged them with collusion. From Boston.com's coverage:
Under the settlement signed by U.S. District Judge D. Brock Hornby, 3.5 million people who signed onto a music antitrust lawsuit are to receive shares of the award.Free money, baby. Finally I get reimbursed for my ill-advised Spice Girls purchases.
Checks for $12.60 are expected to be mailed out within a couple of weeks to the millions who mailed in claims and signed onto the lawsuit online.
2 Annotations Submitted
Thursday the 4th of December, prof noted:
Thursday the 4th of December, crazywriterinla noted:
They already have mine from my DJing days, so I'll take a free $12.60. Gotta buy groceries with sumthin.