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12/09/2003: Urban Archaeology

Let's Go To Uranium City!

uraniumcity1.jpeg (52k file)

Uranium City is a nearly abandoned city in Saskatchewan province in Canada near Lake Athabasca. It was a boom town specializing in the mining of, um, yeah. In the 1950s, it was bumping, but the last mine closed in the 1980s. All that is left is a few residents and an incredible amount of pollution which no one is taking responsibility for, as most of the pollution predates Canadian environmental laws. Anyone up for a road trip? No, I'm serious.

Actually, a gentleman by the name of Gordon Laird (who took the picture as well) went to Uranium City in 2002, and this is what he found.

Wednesday the 10th of December, crazywriterinla noted:

i'm there dude.

this is the kind of insane shit i'm talking about. fucking ghost towns.