Urban Archaeology
Let's Go To Uranium City!
Uranium City is a nearly abandoned city in Saskatchewan province in Canada near Lake Athabasca. It was a boom town specializing in the mining of, um, yeah. In the 1950s, it was bumping, but the last mine closed in the 1980s. All that is left is a few residents and an incredible amount of pollution which no one is taking responsibility for, as most of the pollution predates Canadian environmental laws. Anyone up for a road trip? No, I'm serious.
Actually, a gentleman by the name of Gordon Laird (who took the picture as well) went to Uranium City in 2002, and this is what he found.
1 Annotation Submitted
Wednesday the 10th of December, crazywriterinla noted:
i'm there dude.
this is the kind of insane shit i'm talking about. fucking ghost towns.