Criminally Absurd
Video Games Really Do Cause Violence
from the Daily News Tribune
Video game used in assault on mother
NEWTON -- A 14-year-old Newton boy was arrested Sunday after throwing a video game and picture frame at his mother, police said.
The boy was charged with assault and battery with a dangerous weapon. Police said the child became enraged after his mother unplugged his video game.
Newton. Fignutz. If the mother has to call the police to control her son, then she is, well, Criminally Absurd.
2 Annotations Submitted
Wednesday the 10th of December, lil' bobby noted:
She had it coming, bitch should not have unplugged my video games!
Wednesday the 10th of December, crazywriterinla noted:
Man those newton kids have gotten weak since I grew up there.
In my day, my mom and I would have barbed wire scaffold matches when I wouldnt eat my vegetables.