One More Reason To Use Mozilla
Or, Somebody Get This Freakin Duck Away From Me
from Slashdot
Security researchers confirmed a vulnerability in Internet Explorer 6 that could let an attacker display a fake URL in the browser's address bar in an attempt to disguise the real domain, according to a security bulletin released on Tuesday by Danish security company Secunia Ltd.
Apparently websites can now spoof the URL's so that you think you are at Ebay and you are really at, say our website trying to steal your credit card numbers. Read the Slashdot article.
Am I the only one who likes the Mozilla suite as opposed to Firebird/Thunderbird?
9 Annotations Submitted
Thursday the 11th of December, rafuzo noted:
Mozilla is for pansies like Jamie Zawinski. Use Opera.
Friday the 12th of December, prof_booty noted:
war of the browsers
Friday the 12th of December, awiggins noted:
Why pay for Opera when Mozilla is better?
Friday the 12th of December, rafuzo noted:
Why pay for Opera?
Friday the 12th of December, awiggins noted:
Ads suck.
Friday the 12th of December, rafuzo noted:
So do spoiled internet users.
Friday the 12th of December, prof_booty noted:
and internet snobs
Friday the 12th of December, awiggins noted:
(does not take the flamebait, roll again)
Friday the 12th of December, rafuzo noted:
not so fast assmunch, I have a saving throw