Criminally Absurd
Who Knew It Would Snow?
Or, State plowing budget tapped: Romney asks for federal assistance
from AP
BOSTON -- Winter hasn't officially arrived, but the state has already wiped out its snow plowing budget and Gov. Mitt Romney is asking for federal help to defray cleanup costs from last weekend's snowstorm.
Romney sent a letter to President Bush yesterday, asking that 12 of 14 Massachusetts counties -- all except Nantucket and Dukes counties -- be made eligible for federal assistance. The emergency declaration would make state and local governments eligible for 75 percent federal reimbursement for snow removal.
"The ravages of this storm threatened the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of the Commonwealth and required emergency measures," Romney wrote.
Brilliant. Quick: let's outlaw smoking but make sure we only budget enough money for one snow storm. Homosexuals getting married? We need a constitutional amendment. But make sure we only budget enough money for one snow storm.
2 Annotations Submitted
Friday the 12th of December, IBNR noted:
Dear Mr. Romney
Smooth move Ex Lax
Friday the 12th of December, santo26 noted:
If only Carla Howell had been elected governor instead, the free market would have handled snow removal!!!! Arf arf