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12/14/2003: Breaking News Breaking News

Baghdad celebrates Saddam's capture
from CNN

top.bush.hussein (17k image)

IKRIT, Iraq (CNN) -- After eluding coalition forces for months and vowing never to be taken alive, a disheveled Saddam Hussein was found hiding in a hole under a farmhouse and was captured without firing a shot, coalition authorities announced Sunday.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we got him," L. Paul Bremer, head of the Coalition Provisional Authority, announced Sunday morning at a news conference in Baghdad

Interesting. Is it just me or did Bush fart during his address to the nation?

Sunday the 14th of December, santo26 noted:

Once Saddam is finished at the vet, I hope they begin the soap in a sock therapy.

Sunday the 14th of December, crazywriterinla noted:

I can't wait until the publishers go apeshit over the book rights for his upcoming novel "My life in a hole"

Sunday the 14th of December, awiggins noted:


Sunday the 14th of December, [athena] noted:

In the context of poopalong cassidy, I don't understand " snockawlmf."

Monday the 15th of December, crazywriterinla noted:

I giggle watching that footage.

It's like they captured our modern day hitler...

Monday the 15th of December, prof_booty noted:
