Fraud & Conspiracy
Cheney Energy Case To Supreme Court
from Cable Nutz Network (CNN)
"I'm a legitimate business man" exclaims Veep
The task force met for several months in 2001, and issued a report that favored opening more public lands to oil and gas drilling and proposes a wide range of other steps supported by industry. The interest groups allege the industry representatives functioned as members of the government panel, which included Cabinet secretaries and lower-level government employees.
Judicial Watch sued the task force in July 2001, asking for names of task force participants, details of the group's workings and information about Cheney's involvement. The mainly conservative Judicial Watch made its name suing the Clinton administration but has applied the same tactics to the Republican Bush administration.
I looked in to Judicial Watch a little bit. They are also the group that brought suit to open Dr. Dean's (Dr. Satan's?) records in Montpelier. They have sued pretty much everyone, Ted Kennedy, The FBI about Elian Gonzalez. Interesting site worth checking out.