Stuff That Doesn't Suck
Looking for Fun and Adventure, and Have a Few Hundred Dollars Laying Around?
brought to light by Cervantes
If you like the outdoors, a little adventure, and have a few hundred dollars to spare then Geocaching may be for you. Geocaching is a scavenger hunt with a twist.
Geocaching.com defines it as: "an entertaining adventure game for GPS users. Participating in a cache hunt is a good way to take advantage of the wonderful features and capability of a GPS unit. The basic idea is to have individuals and organizations set up caches all over the world and share the locations of these caches on the internet. GPS users can then use the location coordinates to find the caches. Once found, a cache may provide the visitor with a wide variety of rewards. All the visitor is asked to do is sign the logbook, and if they take something from the cache, replace it with something else. As of today (12/17/03), there are 76826 active caches in 190 countries."
There are 887 in Massachusetts alone. If only I had a GPS receiver, Geocaching might displace Disk Golf as my favorite activity. Well, second or third favorite activity really.