Fraud & Conspiracy
Jamming devices saved president from attack
from AP
ISLAMABAD -- High-tech jamming devices saved Pakistan's president from an assassination attempt, delaying by a few crucial seconds the detonation of a bomb that targeted his motorcade, intelligence officials said yesterday. As investigators continued their probe into the attack, the government vowed to root out extremism, amid suspicions that Al Qaeda or homegrown Islamic militants opposed to Pakistan's support of the US-led war on terrorism were behind the bombing. President General Pervez Musharraf was riding in a limousine through the city of Rawalpindi when the blast occurred Sunday evening, ripping through a concrete bridge just after he crossed it. The sophisticated bomb -- initially estimated to contain 550 pounds of explosives -- included both a remote control and a timing device to trigger it, two intelligence officials said. (AP) CHINA
Three guesses on where Pakistan acquired this technology. But why don't Bradleys and Humvees and Abrams vehicles have them? Maybe they would jam the armed forces' own devices, but sounds like something I would want if I was a lance corporal driving around in Falujah all day.