Criminally Absurd
Ice-T Strikes Back
Sen. John Edwards' Wife Raps Music Lyrics
from Valley (VT) News
Elizabeth Edwards, herself an attorney and the wife of the Democratic presidential candidate from North Carolina, was in Hanover Tuesday, meeting with a small group of local voters, when she was asked what causes she would support if she becomes First Lady.
Edwards had a ready reply, saying she would call attention to the obscene lyrics in the music industry. But it's the music industry executives, "not the guys in baggy pants" or with tattoos, she would call on the carpet, she said, according to Valley News reporter Jodie Tillman.
Elizabeth Edwards said she would challenge the executives to "read me the Wu-Tang lyrics." (Suffice it to say, there are plenty that can't be printed here. Go to Google if you really want to know). Wu-Tang Clan fans who have a beef with Mrs. Edwards can take it up with her husband. Sen. Edwards is slated to meet with diners and voters at Dusty's Cafe in Claremont at noon Monday.
Yeah, I got some lyrics for you. BEOTCH! Wu-Tang Clan aint nuthin to fu*k wit.