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01/06/2004: Breaking News

Blame Canada!

Sorry Vealpen but it looks like a whole bunch of your family up north is responsible for the latest Mad Cow outbreak.

What do you have to say for yourself?

Tuesday the 6th of January, hollywood angry at cheap labor north of the border noted:


Wednesday the 7th of January, Yo mama noted:


Wednesday the 7th of January, Gus noted:

Canadians are always dreaming up a lotta ways to ruin our lives. The metric system, for the love of God! Celsius! Neil Young!

Wednesday the 7th of January, TV Announcer noted:

Like maple syrup, Canada's evil oozes over the United States.

Wednesday the 7th of January, bessie noted:

like mad cow disease

Wednesday the 7th of January, vealpen noted:

my people will not take this standing up- i mean, snmsAjfasegnvvc zx,c, oops sorry, i fell over. CNMD9w?

Wednesday the 7th of January, crazywriterinla noted:

first Canada gives us Pamela Anderson and then she gets hepatitis.

Canada ruins everything. Truly.