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01/09/2004: Arcanum Arcanum

Invisible Hand Saves Baby
from Heritage Foundation

World's economies, ranked by degree of economic freedom by Heritage Foundation and the Wall Street Journal:

1. Hong Kong

2. Singapore

3. New Zealand

10. United States


155. North Korea

See the complete list in "More". I wonder if there is a direct, 1-1 correlation here between per capita GDP and degree of freedom in the market.

January 9, 2004 Friday 4:00 AM Eastern Time


DISTRIBUTION: Asia; England; Europe; Britian; Scandinavia; Middle East; Africa

LENGTH: 406 words

HEADLINE: Freedom ranking of world's economies



World's economies, ranked by degree of economic freedom by Heritage
Foundation and the Wall Street Journal:

1. Hong Kong

2. Singapore

3. New Zealand

4. Luxembourg

5. Ireland

6. Estonia

7. Britain

8. Denmark

9. Switzerland

10. United States

11. Australia

12. Sweden

13. Chile

14. Cyprus (tied)

14. Finland (tied)

16. Canada

17. Iceland

18. Germany

19. The Netherlands

20. Austria

20. Bahrain

22. Belgium

22. Lithuania

24. El Salvador

25. Bahamas

26. Italy

27. Spain

28. Norway

29. Israel

29. Latvia

31. Portugal

32. Czech Republic

33. Barbados

34. Taiwan

35. Slovak Republic

36. Trinidad and Tobago

37. Malta

38. Japan

39. Botswana

39. Uruguay

41. Bolivia

42. Hungary

42. United Arab Emirates

44. Armenia

44. France

46. Belize

46. South Korea

48. Kuwait

48. Uganda

50. Costa Rica

51. Jordan

52. Slovenia

53. South Africa

54. Greece

54. Oman

56. Jamaica

56. Poland

58. Panama

58. Peru

60. Cape Verde

60. Qatar

60. Thailand

63. Cambodia

63. Mongolia

63. Mexico

66. Morocco

67. Mauritania

67. Nicaragua

67. Tunisia

70. Namibia

71. Mauritius


72. Senegal

73. Macedonia

74. Philippines

74. Saudi Arabia

76. Fiji

76. Sri Lanka

78. Bulgaria

79. Moldova

80. Albania

80. Brazil

82. Croatia

83. Colombia

83. Guyana

83. Lebanon

86. Madagascar

87. Guatemala

87. Malaysia

89. Ivory Coast

89. Swaziland

91. Georgia

92. Djibouti

93. Guinea

94. Kenya

95. Burkina Faso

95. Egypt

95. Mozambique

98. Tanzania

99. Bosnia/Herzegovina

100. Algeria

101. Ethiopia

102. Mali

103. Kyrgyzstan

103. Rwanda

105. Central African Republic

106. Azerbaijan

106. Paraguay

106. Turkey

109. Ghana

109. Pakistan

111. Gabon

111. Niger

113. Benin

114. Malawi

114. Russia

116. Argentina

117. Ukraine

118. Lesotho

118. Zambia

120. Dominican Republic

121. Honduras

121. India

121. Nepal

124. Chad

124. Gambia

126. Ecuador

127. Cameroon

128. China

129. Romania

130. Equatorial Guinea

131. Bangladesh

131. Kazakhstan

131. Yemen

134. Sierra Leone

134. Togo

136. Indonesia

137. Haiti

138. Syria

139. Congo, Republic of

139. Guinea-Bissau

141. Vietnam

142. Nigeria

143. Suriname

144. Cuba

145. Belarus

146. Tajikistan

147. Venezuela

148. Iran

149. Uzbekistan

150. Turkmenistan

151. Burma

151. Laos

153. Zimbabwe

154. Libya

155. North Korea

Source: The Heritage Foundation

Friday the 9th of January, Spirit of Santo26 noted:

Why is Nauru not on that list?

Saturday the 10th of January, IBNR noted:

I would say a one to one relationship is not reality. I did a spot check in the CIA world fact book and out of the top three you have listed the US actually has the highest GDP per CAP at 37.6K but they are listed at 10. Caution should be exercised when interpreting these types of lists as GDP calcs can be very subjective depending on who is adding up the beans. I found many sources that stated that Norway has the best GDP per CAP but could not confirm that with the numbers I was able to find.

On a side note the GDP per CAP for Nauru estimated 2001 is $5K (CIA)