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01/25/2004: Fraud & Conspiracy

Who In Their Right Mind Would Rent This Movie Anyway?


A New Jersey Couple is suing Blockbuster after their daughter viewed ten minutes of porn after the credits of a rented copy of Home Alone 4. Blockbuster is calling the bluff, since they don't carry porn and can't check every video that comes in, which makes the whole lawsuit seem pretty fricken frivilous.

Considering how certain production companies recycle tapes...and some tapes don't get erased...and home alone 4 was a direct-to-video release (i think) and therefore cheaply's albeit possible it was put on a tape that had previously had porn.

However, what people don't get about the law is one must prove guilt in our legal system. How the hell do you prove that Blockbuster acted in a negligent fashion, when they don't even carry porn? And how can any customer expect that blockbuster watch every tape and make sure it ain't got porn on it. Cross this mofo with Criminally Absurd, because it's criminally absurd that anyone would think a 4 year old could be damaged by ten minutes of weird stuff on tv. I don't remember much of anything from TV from my youth until I see it again. Meh, another rant, another time.