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01/25/2004: Breaking News

California Grocer's Strike is Crumbling

A little update from my neck of the woods made Yahoo! Top News as it seems that the California Grocer's Strike is hitting those poor workers hard. Since they're uneducated and this country isnt bursting with jobs for uneducated people, many are having hard times smack them in the face like Ike Turner.

What makes me relieved about this is the people earning $19 an hour to bag groceries are finally getting to see what it's like for those of us who actually have to work for a living. I crossed the picket line on the first week of the strike. I worked my ass off in school to get a cushy white-collar job so I don't have to suffer...but yet they make more an hour than me? Yeah, I'll laugh at them. I even stole one of their picket signs from "The Vons" in Burbank (yes santo26, I did it.) Somewhere out there, Luis Gonzalez is still wondering where his picket sign went...poor Luis. I hope you can afford that coffee and churro for breakfast still.