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02/05/2004: Criminally Absurd Criminally Absurd

Girl suspended from school for saying 'hell'
Says Cervantes
from Reuters at

A second-grade girl from Pittsburgh was suspended this week from her public elementary school for saying the word "hell" to a boy in her class.

But 7-year-old Brandy McKenith says she was only warning the boy about the eternal comeuppance he could face for saying: "I swear to God."

"I said, 'You're going to go to hell for swearing to God,'" Brandy was quoted as saying in an article that appeared on the Web site of the Pittsburgh Tribune Review on Wednesday.

School officials were unavailable for comment. A Pittsburgh Public Schools spokeswoman told the newspaper that the student code prohibits profanity but does not provide a clear definition of what profanity is.

The girl's parents, who said they believed their daughter's version of the story, were flabbergasted by the suspension and complained to the school principal.

Which is more absurd? A child being brainwashed with religious nonsense, or the schools overreaction to her trying to "save her classmates soul."

Thursday the 5th of February, Abe Froman noted:

I didn't say "Go to hell!"

I said "I'm going to help the teacher, cause she's no nice."

Nice try little Brandy!!! Take it like a man.

Friday the 6th of February, crazywriterinla noted:

this happened once to me when i was in 6th grade...the catholic school educated t.a. told the teacher i was swearing cuz i kept saying the real teacher called my mother and told her I had a foul mouth...and then she found out I was saying hell. Uh...hebrews dont believe in hell, therefore it aint a swear, she explained. fucking waste of time.

Friday the 6th of February, prof noted:

hebrews dont belive in hell?

Friday the 6th of February, Abe Froman noted:


No, they don't believe in heaven or hell. They still believe that they are waiting for the messiah to bring them to everlasting glory. Hence, Hebrews are much more concerned with how you conduct yourself here on earth. Also hebrews do not have a wake, and bury their dead customarily before sun down. This is so we remember the person as they were in life not in death.

Friday the 6th of February, Abe Froman noted:

Dear Crazywriter,

If you weren't using Hell in the context of damnation then weren't you just swearing in class?

So if hell isn't a place, what does it mean in your vocabulary?

Friday the 6th of February, prof noted:

los angeles

Friday the 6th of February, Abe Froman noted:

good answer

Saturday the 7th of February, crazywriterinla noted:

my feelings are hurt. go to hell.