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02/18/2004: Stuff That Does't Suck Stuff That Doesn't Suck

Phanatic reunites with its head

phanatic (19k image)
Mascot's snout had been missing since Feb. 6

(Chris Gardner/AP) PHILADELPHIA -- For the first time in 10 days, the Phillies' beloved mascot can stop running around like a Phanatic with its head cut off.

Late Tuesday afternoon at the Preview Center for Citizens Bank Park, the furry green creature from the Galapagos Islands was reunited with its familiar snout, a day after a radio listener called 94.1 WYSP to report that he had found the head and would return it Tuesday.

WYSP's midday DJ Tommy Conwell said the man arrived at the studio at around 1 p.m. and returned the item. He was placed in custody by the three detectives working the case.
Police arrested Bernard Bechtel, 37, of Whitehall Township, Lehigh County, after he returned the head.

"It was a crime of opportunity," Detective William Urban told the Associated Press. "He saw a chance to get a really good souvenir."

"The Phanatic is very relieved," said Tom Burgoyne, the man inside the fur. "He's been overwhelmed by the support of the fans. He would like me to thank all the Phillies fans, WYSP and the Philadelphia Police Department."

The head went missing on Feb. 6 during the team's "Final Pieces" auction and memorabilia sale at the Wachovia Center. Burgoyne had placed the head in a dressing room, then noticed it missing when he returned 45 minutes later.

The search sparked a wave of concern among fans, who were afraid of potential bad karma. One fan pleaded for the head's safe return through eBay, and promised a reward donated to Phillies Charities.

"We have enough bad luck in Philly, we don't need the 'Curse of the Headless Mascot' haunting us like the 'Curse of the Bambino,' said George Walmsley IV, a season-ticket holder who started the online crusade, last week.

The theft was featured in many news outlets, and humorous suspects emerged, including Billy the Marlin, Philadelphia 76er Allen Iverson (he has lots of steals) or former Sixers star Charles Barkley (he dislikes mascots).

The head was also mentioned during the Weekend Update segment on Saturday Night Live. Co-anchor Jimmy Fallon reported the incident, and said the police were looking for this man, then cut to a photo of a man in a suit wearing the head.

Radio personality Howard Stern offered a $5,000 reward. Police had been searching for the costume piece, which the team said is worth $3,000.

"The Phillie Phanatic is a Philadelphia treasure," said Tim Sabean, Operations Manager of WYSP. "We are so pleased we were able to facilitate the return of his head."

Wednesday the 18th of February, Youppi! noted:

next time it'll be your whole body beeyatch! vive les expos!

Wednesday the 18th of February, Wolly The Green Monsta noted:

George just offered me $125,000,000,000,000 to become a Yankee!!!

Wednesday the 18th of February, the san francisco crab noted:

how comes i don't get any respect? san diego chicken, you think you're better than me? huh? huh?
no really, i'm real! The San Francisco Crab is real?

Wednesday the 18th of February, Abe Froman noted:

Dear Crazy Crab're ugly.

Wednesday the 18th of February, Abe Froman noted:

So I banged up Google Images for a good Youppie and I came across a picture with this testimonial:

"Youppi! - The great mascot for the Montreal Expos, my brother and I had our pictures taken with him. Some guy knocked over my brothers beer when it was on the ground and Youppi! got him a new one!!! "

Thursday the 19th of February, the san diego chicken noted:

Dear everyone,

Fuck you guys. I'm going home. Old battle axe has a coop full eggs and wants me to come sit on them fucking things. what am i, a dame?

Thursday the 19th of February, hilltop steakhouse cows noted:


Thursday the 19th of February, hilltop steakhouse cows noted:

plastic mooooooo!