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02/23/2004: Fraud & Conspiracy Fraud & Conspiracy

The 2004 Presidential Candidates: Do They All Suck?
santo26 lays the smackdown on the Presidential Candy- Asses

In less than 9 months, the voters of the United States are going to decide who will become the President from 2005- 2009. Ralph Nader, former consumer advocate and current object of liberal hatred, has declared he will run for a third time. Many Democrats and liberals blame him for Bush, Jr.'s win in 2000, but c'mon people, Al Gore didn't even win his home state! If Gore had done so, he would have won both the popular AND electoral votes. Most of the ire directed towards Nader implies that those who voted for him WOULD HAVE voted Democratic if not for Ralph, which is very dismissive of the very idea of third parties. I also think that the whole "must vote against Bush" rhetoric is just as anti- democratic as saying a third party candidate "ruined" Gore's chances.

Personally, I am approaching this election with an open mind. I have never voted in a Presidential election for a major party candidate, and I reserve the right to do so again. Your vote does count, always has, always will, and voting for a third party because you cannot stomach the idea of voting for either major party nominee is no more "throwing your vote away" than voting for the "lesser of two evils." In fact, voting third party is more of a protest, because to me it implies that the voter believes in democracy enough to vote how they feel, rather than be cowed by the media into voting for the lesser of the "lesser of two evils" candidate.

Nader said he was running against the "corporate interests" that have taken over Washington. Considering that Bush, Jr. has $100 million in the bank and John Kerry, if elected, would become the third- richest man to be President (I don't know who 1 and 2 are), who is speaking out for the rest of the people? A Presidential race between two multi- millionaires who both went to Yale and are members of the Skull and Bones is merely a coronation. I have never voted for Nader before, but he certainly has my attention.

Tuesday the 24th of February, crazywriterinla noted:

1 and 2 are Washington and JFK, respectively.

Thursday the 26th of February, Lefty McLeft noted:

Short answer, yes.

Long answer, Nader sucks.