03/12/2004: Breaking News
Stormin' Norman: Learn to Drive and More
from WHDH-TV
Driver's Ed teachers are often among the most pathetic lot out there. But the most pathetic, was mine.
Stormin' Norman Swerling is his name...10 years ago he taught me the rules of the road. He used to start class with a quote that he found witty, would show us videos like "Mechanized Death" and such, teaching us how many different ways we can get killed driving. I enjoyed Mechanized Death so much I told him I'd love to watch it again, and he even told me when I could see it.
Stormin' Norman, we hardly knew year. No really, we hardly knew ya. We didn't know that according to this article, you were a rapist too.
Oh yeah...if you want to, you can RATE him as a teacher still on this handy website. They don't know about his rape indictment...yet!
I can't wait to tell my sister. She actually had to sit in a car with him. Scary shit