03/16/2004: Fraud & Conspiracy
The Selective Draft: We Don't Need Cannon Fodder, Just The Best And Brightest
I came across a story on the Drudge Report from the Seattle Post- Intellegencer about the Selective Service taking the preliminary steps towards conducting a "special skills draft." In today's high- tech Armed Forces, they don't need grunts with low IQs- this special skills draft would target citizens with computer, language, and medical skills. Of course, Rumsfeld denies that this will happen, and few people in Congress are for reinstating a draft of any kind. Oddly enough, the one person who is for reinstating the draft is Congressman Charles Rangel, D- NY, who represents Harlem. Rangel has few supporters right now, and probably submitted the legislation to make trouble for the Republicans, but what if we suddenly needed massive amounts of bodies and the GOP jumped all over this bill? Is it better to have our current ass kicking professional Army or a large army of reluctant volunteers to conduct mischief abroad?
Bottom line: Watch out.