03/16/2004: Criminally Absurd
Stalinist Killer Crabs from Kamchatka!
More than 50 years after his death, Uncle Joe continues to wreak havoc on eastern Europe
A plan by Josef Stalin to add a food source to Northwestern Russia has caused an explosion in the population of the Kamchatka red king crab in the Barents Sea. Whole armies of the crabs are now making their way down the Norweigan coast, decimating local fishing stocks and sending Norway's second-largest industry into crisis. The question is, do they eradicate these destructive crabs, or, at an average of $100/kilo, with the average crab weighing up to 10 kilos, do they just harvest them?
Asia Times story here; Telegraph story here.
5 Annotations Submitted
Tuesday the 16th of March, prof_booty noted:
ok, how's this for pay-per-view event of the century
Zombie Robo-Lobsters vs. Stalinist Killer Crabs?
Tuesday the 16th of March, rafuzo noted:
I think it'd be better if they fought the right-wing pigeons from outer space
Tuesday the 16th of March, prof_booty noted:
you have a strong vertebrate bias. why you hatin on the crustaceans?
Wednesday the 17th of March, dean clean noted:
you know what stuart? i like you. you're not like the other kids, here in the trailer park. but don't get me wrong stuart, they're fine people, good americans.
Wednesday the 17th of March, anonymous howard noted:
Head on collision retards beware!