Criminally Absurd
Christians Try To Censor Georgia School's Reading List
from WSB-TV Atlanta
CARTERSVILLE, Ga. -- Some Christian parents in Georgia want a bevy of books removed from their local schools' reading list.
Three parents with the group Crusaders for Christ told members of the Bartow County Board of Education that several books are too offensive for students to be reading.
The group's leader, the Rev. Dwight Holcomb, told board members, "You're going to answer to God Almighty for your decision."
Among the books the Crusaders for Christ want banned are "Of Mice and Men" by John Steinbeck, "The Martian Chronicles" by Ray Bradbury and "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee.
County committees had deemed all of the books appropriate, but committee members will now consider whether to repeal their decision.
2 Annotations Submitted
Monday the 22nd of March, crazywriterinla noted:
God almighty didn't prevent you from having a name like Dwight, did he?
Monday the 22nd of March, santo26 noted:
free boo radley