athenaeum debuts alternate style sheets
from prof_booty
for the first time on the athenaeum, you will now be able to view the site in a whole new way. click "booty vision" on the top of the page, and see the world as if you were prof_booty. it can be a bit disorienting, and isn't perfected. if you don't like it, you can always switch back to "standard." this is more of a proof of concept that we can do really cool things with the site. the athenaeum technology working group now knows enough to be dangerous, but not enough to truly rule the world (hence the beta tag). but be assured we are working on it. unresolved issues for the atwg include the rss feed, which is next on the hit list. far out tasks include making the site xhtml 1.0 transitional compliant. please email comments or suggestions to prof_booty at athenaverse dot com, or if you have a style sheet that you like and would like to see the page in, upload it to the site through the greymatter and send me the href.
7 Annotations Submitted
Friday the 2nd of April, Max Power noted:
Thanks for the seizure...I desire...a warning label for booty vision.
Saturday the 3rd of April, Abe Froman noted:
"Yo ... booty vision is whack!"
(Whack in a good way or in a bad way?)
Both. I think the dancing static is cool but when I went to post a remark, I almost went blind.
Saturday the 3rd of April, Smacky E noted:
whadda fuq iz diz shiznit? why be my screen illin' lyk sum kinda whack fuqin teevee skreen? fuq dis, gimme britney vision yo.
Saturday the 3rd of April, prof_booty noted:
well, the critics have spoken, and the response has been overwhelming. the public has heaped superlatives on booty vision, using such laudatives as "seizure-inducing" "whack" and "shiznit." rest assured that booty vision will undergo a complete transformation.
Sunday the 4th of April, Helen Keller noted:
Looks good to me.
Sunday the 4th of April, King of All Thing noted:
Where I come from "seizure-inducing whack shiznit," is the good stuff. Don't change a thing!
Monday the 5th of April, santo26 noted:
personally, the genesis of this style sheet comes from this idea i had of the athenaeum temple as this temple with scrolls in it surrounded by a sea of static. i also think the idea of a window on top of static is pretty cool. if the static was a little less prevalent and more window- dressing- esque, i think it would be radical like raphael.