Criminally Absurd
Girl Disciplined For Wearing Dam T-Shirt
from MSNBC
Observe, evil in its true form.
A souvenir T-shirt from a national landmark has a middle school student fighting for her rights and a school defending its dress code policy, News2Houston reported Friday.
The T-shirt says, "Somebody went to the Hoover Dam and all I got was this 'Dam' t-shirt."
When Heather Mercer, 12, wore the shirt Thursday, she was told to change or be disciplined. She refused, claiming it's her First Amendment right to wear it, and was sent home.
But the Needville Independent School District superintendent, Gary Gazaway, said it is not about rights.
"We feel it didn't fit the dress code," Gazaway said.
Needville ISD's policy prohibits pictures, emblems or writing on clothing that is lewd, offensive, vulgar or obscene.
Gazaway said he and the school principal feel Mercer's T-shirt falls in that category.
"Our dress code reflects community values, so we make decisions based on that," Gazaway said.
Mercer said she would be back at school Monday wearing the controversial T-shirt again. She and her family have agreed to fight it all the way, even if they have to home-school Heather.
If she could wear such a heinous and offensive t-shirt, god only knows what else she could be capable of. Maybe the RIAA should look into her computer usage.
3 Annotations Submitted
Tuesday the 4th of May, crazylewdt-shirthaterinla noted:
what a lewd girl, what's next, they'll ban hooters shirts in school?
Tuesday the 4th of May, prof_booty noted:
to discipline her was correct, but they missed the point. those shirts shoule be outlawed
Wednesday the 5th of May, The Ministry of Truth noted:
Ms. Mercer's behavior is doubleplusungood, she will be brought in for reprogramming.