Criminally Absurd
Proposal asks Baptists to quit public schools
or Reinventing the Dark Ages
from The Tennessean
A prominent Southern Baptist is asking the national convention to consider a resolution recommending parents remove their children from what he calls ''godless'' and ''anti-Christian'' public schools.
The resolution, co-authored by T.C. Pinckney, publisher of a Baptist newsletter in Alexandria, Va., urges parents to home-school their children or send them to Christian schools.
The proposal, which also was written by Texas attorney Bruce Shortt, says the public school system claims to be neutral but is actually opposed to Christianity and provides an education that is ''godless.''
''Just as it would be foolish for the warrior to give his arrows to his enemies, it is foolish for Christians to give their children to be trained in schools run by the enemies of God,'' the resolution states.
2 Annotations Submitted
Tuesday the 11th of May, crazychristianinVA noted:
it's nice how people just go out and use god as an excuse to tell people to break the law.
Tuesday the 11th of May, Max Power noted:
and after class, faith healing