Booty Seekers
Lies, Damn Lies, And Statistics
from Athenaeum Technology Working Group
Top Athenaeum Search Requests Dec 2004
Listing the top 20 queries by the number of requests, sorted by the number of requests.#reqs: search termUsers of the Athenaeum and associated websites should also be aware that mod_security has been enabled on all Athenaverse hosted sites. This is mostly because of recent php attacks, but also because Greymatter is a cgi that might someday be exploited. Any users who experience problems that they think might be related to the new, stricter security restrictions should contact prof_ booty $ athenaverse dot com.
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26: cache:wh4wdb2fimwj:
10: booty seekers
4: nanosounds
4: current issues about globar warming
3: cache:dng9q3 0akgj
:athenaeum.athenaverse.com/prof_booty/ nanosounds
3: lester rosensaft
3: nan midol
2: cris berg beheading
2: lamu the inventor girl wallpaper
2: asher karni
2: bloods lemonier
2: walmart brattleboro reformer
2: cheetum elementary school.com
2: tomb raiders boob sex
2: walmart haworth fires
2: cnbc barrett lyon
2: pictures of ancient torture chambers
2: cincinnati walmart colrain
2: www.athenaeum and nutcracker
1: rescue show sydney television daniel street
191: [not listed: 191 search terms]