Criminally Absurd
"Drowsy Driving" To Be Illegal
Sir, I Detect The Presence Of Sleepiness. Please Step Out Of The Vehicle
from Milford Daily News

Sen. Richard Moore, D-Uxbridge
State Sen. Richard Moore, D-Uxbridge, sponsored a bill that would make it illegal to fall asleep while driving. The charge would carry the same penalties as drunken driving.
Moore's bill also creates a new crime of "motor vehicle homicide resulting from sleeping." A driver who falls asleep and triggers a fatal car crash would face the same penalties as someone who was legally drunk.
"Whether someone is drunk or drowsy, it's irresponsible to be driving if you can't be in control of the vehicle," said Moore, Senate chairman of the Legislature's Health Care Committee...
You know, this Sen. Moore has a point. I think the legislature should be able to dictate my whole life from cradle to grave. Who knows better what is best for me than the Honorable General Court? So I guess we should also make it illegal to do things that could make one tired, like working or going to class after work. Hmmm, maybe this Sen. Moore does have a point...