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02/17/2005: :: Stuff That Doesn't Suck

Follow Up: Let No Good Deed Go Unpunished
or "Instant Karma's Gonna' Get You"
from ABC News and Denver Post

"This isn't about cookies, It's not about a couple of girls out spreading cheer. It's about a horrible experience for me and my family." Renea Young told "Good Morning America."

Ever since Asshat of the Week recipient, Renea Young, decided to sue two teenage girls who decided to act out of character and do something nice for their neighbors, the Youngs have been inundated by insulting and threatening messages, they told America in a desperate plea for pity.

In the face of public disgust for them and despite common sense, Young continues to assert that she is the victim of this heinous hate crime perpetrated on them by these morally bankrupt young girls.

Young contends that the teens used "very poor judgment" in not realizing how their behavior could affect others.

Young said her home is in an extremely rural area, and Ostergaard and Zellitti had to climb over two fences, walk through a pasture filled with livestock and crawl across an open ditch to get to her home.

It was at this point that I realized that Young had lost her grip on reality, for as Farker "bboy" said:

Umm... So how does she get to her own house, by helicopter?

I'd be willing to bet there's an alternate entry scenario in the form of a "driveway".

Which The Denver Post article points out, is absolutely correct.

The Youngs are no strangers to court proceedings. In addition to the cookie lawsuit, records show the Youngs have sued or been sued at least nine times since 1991. Two more court actions have involved restraining orders.

Many of the suits filed by the Youngs were small claims. In 1994, Renea Young was granted a restraining order against one neighbor after they quarreled over a shared driveway.

So, yeah, there is no pity for you Mrs. Young.

Thursday the 17th of February, Farker HH32 noted:

if you suffer from anxiety attacks, why would you go on Good Morning America and speak in front of millions of people.

This lady is an attention whore, she also tried to sue a farmer after SHE crashed into his tractor on the highway because he was driving too slow... a slow moving tractor, who would of thunk it. Apparently that case was settled out of court, on top of that she has been sued by a Credit Card company, a construction company, a construction worker and an insurance company and lost each case.

Thursday the 17th of February, awiggins noted:

Look at me I am an Attention WhoreDo these look like the faces of people who have ever turned down a cookie?