U.S. Subs Violating Canadian Sovereignty; or Canadians Hogging Northwest Passage
from National Post of Canada
The Canadians are up in arms about reports of an American sub sneaking through the Northwest Passage. Yes, there really is one, and it goes around an Arctic archipelago claimed by Canada. Up to now it has been nearly unusable due to the temperatures, but global warming may soon allow it to be more navigable for commercial ships. Canada claims the area, and America says that they are international waters lying in between Greenland and Alaska. Canada does not have the resources to patrol the area, so the subs of the U.S. and other allied countries could theoretically be sneaking through all the time, but who is going to comment on sub movements?
I think what is truly needed here is an in-depth NWI report by Ron Izawa. NWI 4 LIFE