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03/03/2006: :: Breaking News

Harry Browne, R.I.P.
from Reason Magazine

Two-time Libertarian Party Presidential candidate and author Harry Browne died earlier this week. He was 72. He ran for President twice, in 1996 and 2000, and never received even half a million votes (he got 485,798 in '96 and 384,431 in '00), but his quixotic campaigns made me realize that there was more to the political spectrum than Republicans and Democrats. He kept the spirit of democratic dissent alive by running a third- party campaign in the first place.

While I am currently a registered "Decline To State A Political Party" (like George Washington), Harry Browne had an impact on my political thinking, and he randomly sent me an autographed copy of "Why Government Doesn't Work" which I still have. Thanks, Harry.