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03/22/2006: :: Fraud & Conspiracy

All Your Fingerprints Are Belong To Kansas
from Kansas City Star

Next time you get pulled over in Kansas, officers will take your fingerprints as well using the Automatic Fingerprint Identification System. Funded in part by a grant from the Department of Homeland Security, this biometric system will compare the traffic suspects' fingerprints with those stored in the State of Kansas' database. Similar systems are going to be tested in New York, Milwaukee and Hawaii. In the past, if officers wanted to fingerprint someone, they had to take them to the police station, which involved being placed in custody. There was no mention of what could happen to an otherwise law-abiding motorist if they refuse to submit to on-the-spot fingerprinting.

I thought this worth mentioning since it is part of the whole "guilty until proven innocent" vibe everyone is pushing these days, along with the placing of surveillance cameras on public streets. It's amazing what government can get away with while everyone is watching "American Idol."